Horror Genre always evokes curiosity and easily catches the attention of everyone. Everybody irrespective of their age, demographic location, and faith sooner or later in their lives have either heard or encountered supernatural things. Whether believe it or not supernatural talks bound to catch your interest. Nonetheless, there are many people out there who raise the question of the presence of ghosts, spirits and do not believe and straightly laugh off these stories. But, today we are going to share with you 4 most haunted or spookiest places in the Bangalore that are capable enough to send chills down in your spine.
So brace yourself and read about the 4 most haunted places in Bangalore!!
1. Kalpally cemetery, Sarvagna Nagar

It is claimed to be one of the mysterious places in Bangalore. If you have ever been to Bangalore, you must have heard about this place. The cemetery is situated in the old madras road. It is contemplated being one of the busiest cemeteries in east Bangalore.
Here almost ten dead bodies are being buried every day.
People who pass by this cemetery have reported that they have clearly seen a creepy man lurking around the graves at wee hours. Apart from this, people who pass by this cemetery also claim of feeling uneasiness and a strong presence of evil spirit and murmuring sounds.
So, if you are adventurous, then you should go to this place at dead of night and find out whether it’s true or just a rumor.
2. Kempegowda International Airport, Devanahalli

Believe it or not, but one of the pilots had reported once that he saw women in white saree asking for help, but when he went up to her she had vanished. Similarly, few other airlines have reported a headless ghost rambling near the escalator or parking bay. Well, we don’t whether they are right or it just a case of hallucination, but all these stories are enough to make one spooky for fortnights.
3. Terra Vera, St Marks Road

It is considered being a possessed house. Terra vera was purchased by a lawyer named EJ Vaz in 1943. He gifted this house to her sisters Vera and Dolce Vaz. Vera was an English teacher and dolce was a piano teacher. They both occupied this house until 2002 tragic night when a thief broke into the house and brutally killed the 75 yr old younger sister vera in front of her sister vera. She was buried in the backyard of the same house and her elder sister moved into a new house. Since then whosoever came here to live in left the house complaining about paranormal activities and seeing a headless demon in the house.
It is stated being one of the scariest places in Bangalore. Due to the occurrence of supernatural things, it has become one of the most favorite tourist destinations. People who visited in this house claimed that they have heard traumatizing screams and few tourists also profess that the photos which they clicked inside the house got blurred or vanished strangely.
4. NH 24

It is ironical but it seems that there persists some permanent relation between highways and ghosts. You must have heard a highway horror stories and now you can add Nh 24 which is the longest and busiest highway in Karnataka.
Once a locale narrates a creepy incident which he encountered on this road. When a young girl in midnight asked him for the lift but when he stopped his car to help her she was disappeared all of sudden strange, isn’t it; however, the strange part has yet to be narrated, he also told that when he raced his car on clear road, from nowhere she came in front of him.
Apart from this, there is another popular haunted story about NH 24 Bangalore which people often experience. They profess that they have encountered a pretty face girl on the highway who asks for a lift around in midnight and when someone agrees to help her. All of sudden she disappears, however; the story does not end here, she reappears and laughs on them carelessly. So, while driving on this road do not offer a lift to anyone, especially a young pretty girl which is difficult but if you love your life, so avoid her completely.
Well!! after reading this story you must have got goosebumps!! because I myself have got goosebumps several times writing this story. So be watchful while being on these haunted places in Bangalore; nonetheless, if you are adventurous so go and experience these places all by yourself. Best of luck!!
Thank you very much for the invitation :). Best wishes.
PS: How are you?
What a creepy column dude ..!! Will be quite precautious while visiting Banglore now ..!!